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Re: [coldsync-hackers] Would XML be a Good Thing?

XML is just a passing fad, just like applications written in Java.


Personally, I hate that a lot of people are hopping on the XML bandwagon
( no offense, Andrew. :), and some are doing it just to say that they
know XML.



ps - My company currently used XML & applications written in Java.  And
yes, some of the apps are non-GUI. :(  But, I am just a systems guy, not
a programmer....

On Thu, Jun 14, 2001 at 08:13:29PM -0400, Andrew Arensburger wrote to To ColdSync-hackers mailing list:
:-) 	It occurred to me the other day that perhaps ColdSync should take
:-) XML for its config files. The main advantage of XML is that it's much
:-) easier for programs to read than the current .coldsyncrc format. This, in
:-) turn, would make it easier to write a GUI front-end for ColdSync.
:-) 	This doesn't necessarily mean abandoning the current format, which
:-) is less verbose than XML and easier for humans to read (IMHO). ColdSync
:-) could simply use .coldsyncrc if it exists, or .coldsync.xml otherwise.
:-) 	Any thoughts? Is this a good idea? A bad idea? Does anyone feel
:-) like tackling this?
:-) -- 
:-) Andrew Arensburger                      Actually, these _do_ represent the
:-) arensb@ooblick.com                      opinions of ooblick.com!
:-)                         Generic Tagline V 6.01
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Don Harper, RHCE, MCSE                          email: duck@duckland.org
Just a systems kinda guy...                      http://www.duckland.org

Well why the hell do they call it a woodchuck if it can't chuck wood?

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