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[coldsync-hackers] coldsync, freebsd (4.7) and clie (T615C)?

I have tried this combination, and have been troubleshooting
to try and get this going. I am just wondering, does this combination
actually work?

In the FAQ there is a link to;

Q: Does ColdSync work with the Sony Clie?
A: Yes. See http://kreucher.user.msu.edu/clie/

which is dead.

I have tried a connection both with ugen0 and ucom0. 
If it does work with FreeBSD, which connection is the one to use?
So far, my ucom0 port seems to be dead no matter what I do with
coldsync or my clie. 

The ugen0 port seems to exist, but only when 
the clie sync button is pushed. There is no syncing action that takes
place at that time.

It would be great to know of someone who has actually gotten this
working, because so far I have found a number of people who are looking
for help, but no success stories.

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