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[coldsync-hackers] help getting started

I'm trying to use coldsync under Debian Woody with a Handspring USB

I found a segfault in coldsync 2.5.1 about 70 days ago and sent in a
patch (a pointer was dereferenced before checking whether it was NULL).

Since then, the woody maintainer hasn't upgraded coldsync.   So today I
uninstalled the packaged version of coldsync and installed the latest
version, coldsync 2.1.3.

It's not segfaulting, but it's not working either.

1. I tried "coldsync -mI" to initialize the device.  It reported:

      p@satan% coldsync -mI
      Warning: no device on /dev/palm. Sleeping
      Please press the HotSync button.
      This Palm already has user information that matches neither what's
      in your configuration file, nor the defaults. Please edit your
      .coldsyncrc and reinitialize.  Your .coldsyncrc should contain
      something like the following:
      pda {
         snum: "*Visor*-G";
         username: "p";
         userid: 21296;

2. I created ~/.coldsyncrc with 5 recommended lines of text above and
   tried "coldsync -mI" again.   It reported:

      p@satan% coldsync -mI
      Warning: no device on /dev/palm. Sleeping
      Please press the HotSync button.

      This Palm already has user information that matches neither what's
      in your configuration file, nor the defaults. Please edit your
      .coldsyncrc and reinitialize.  Your .coldsyncrc should contain
      something like the following:

      pda {
         snum: "*Visor*-G";
         username: "p";
         userid: 21296;

   But that's exactly what's in .coldsyncrc!

3. Next, out of desperation, I tried "coldsync".  It reported:

      p@satan% coldsync 
      Warning: no device on /dev/palm. Sleeping
      Warning: no device on /dev/palm. Sleeping
      Please press the HotSync button.
      Error: This Palm has user ID 21296 (I was expecting 1000).
      Syncing would most likely destroy valuable data. Please update your
      configuration file and/or initialize this Palm (with 'coldsync -mI')
      before proceeding.  Your configuration file should contain a PDA
      block that looks something like this:

         pda {
            snum: "*Visor*-G";
            username: "p";
            userid: 21296;

   which is odd.  It almost seems like coldsync isn't reading the
   .coldsyncrc file.
   However, using strace, I determined that coldsync did indeed read all
   61 bytes of /home/p/.coldsyncrc.

I'm at an impasse.  Can someone help me out with this?


GPG Fingerprint: B9F1 6CF3 47C4 7CD8 D33E  70A9 A3B9 1945 67EA 951D

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