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[coldsync-hackers] getting coldsync installed

I'm having some trouble getting coldsync working on my machine.  It
compiles ok(no errors), but when I run make install, I don't see where it
put an executable file, perl script or otherwise.  Also, How do I set up
my /dev/pilot ?   I tried running MAKEDEV pilot in /dev, but it gave me an
error saying: MAKEDEV: don't know how to make device: 'pilot'.   I am
currently running Slackware 8.0, Athlon 800.  My PDA is a Sony Clie(I
forget the model number, it's too late in the evening).  Is there anyone
out there that can help me?  Thanks!

dsfranks at erwin dot largegeek dot com
ICQ#: 118347772

3:16am up 16 days, 2:16, 5 users, load average: 3.80, 3.91, 3.54

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