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Re: [coldsync-hackers] Perl question

Well, there are a bunch of fields that might not be filled in - take for example 
the company name field in the address book

If I want to check to see if it has changed on the Palm or on the server I also 
need to check to see if they are not null

if ( defined($record->{fields}{company}) && defined($cal->{org_name}) ) {
  if ( $record->{fields}{company} ne $cal->{org_name} ) {
    print STDERR "The records do not match\n";
} elsif ( defined($record->{fields}{company}) && !defined($cal->{org_name}) ) {
    print STDERR "The records do not match\n";
} elsif ( !defined($record->{fields}{company}) && defined($cal->{org_name}) ) {
    print STDERR "The records do not match\n";

If I just check them against each other directly, I get 'uninitialized variables' 
errors when the field is not used

There's got to be an easier way to do this since there are about 20 pairs of fields 
to check in the addressbook app

Alex Tronin (at@urbis.net) wrote: 
>How about using defined() ?
>It tells you is it NULL or not

Brian Johnson, P. Eng.
Johnson Engineering Consultants

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