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RE: [coldsync-hackers] Re: Redux: Netsync + [X]inetd

On Thu, 28 Feb 2002, Rob Bloodgood wrote:
> Andrew: I really liked what Fransico did w/ the multi-user patch creating a
> different user directory automatically based on the Palm username.  While
> your rebuttal to the approach was valid, the two different points of view
> represent two entirely different solution sets, for different situations.
> So, might I suggest a cmdline switch or even an option in the 'listen net
> {}' block of coldsync.conf, to reflect the differences?

	I haven't looked at his patch in detail, so I'll refrain from
commenting on it.
	But it seems to me that it might be possible to have your cake and
eat it too, in this case, by using %-sequences. Thus, if you have
	pda {
		directory: %H/all-palms/%U/%N;
the %H would be replaced by the home directory, %U with the userid from
the Palm, and %N with the full name of the user on the Palm, giving

	directory: /homes/palmuser/all-palms/31337/Gorko the Punisher;

Obviously this needs to be thought through, but it's something to
consider. It'd be cool to have tilde-expansion, and this would fit right
in, IMHO.

Andrew Arensburger                      Actually, these _do_ represent the
arensb@ooblick.com                      opinions of ooblick.com!
                        Generic Tagline V 6.01

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