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Re: [coldsync-hackers] modem sync success -- details for contribution

John Joseph Roets:
> > 	If you've set up a daemon that's started at boot time, listens
> > on the modem device, and knows how to talk to a modem, then that's
> > overkill and contrary to The Unix Way (tm). It'd be better to let
> > 'getty' answer the phone and run ColdSync instead of a shell. This is,
> > I believe, the way that PPP usually works.
> I've tried this multitudinous ways, and could not even get close to mgetty
> properly connecting ColdSync.

Well, I suppose mgetty won't do that directly. In order to support
PPP mgetty has some hacks which detect that PPP packets are coming in
and immediately spawn an appropriate pppd which takes over the link
("AutoPPP" mode). But mgetty doesn't have the same for the PalmOS serial
protocol (SLP).

Hence you need to login (using whatever getty you prefer) and then
start coldsync. You can either use your usual login an exec coldsync
once you've detected your shell's prompt, or you can login to a special
account which has coldsync as its shell (or some wrapper around
coldsync, to support parameters).

I did some experimenting with this some time ago, and it all works fine
for me. I seem to vaguely recall that I even made it work with faxgetty
(there's a hylafax lurking behind my modem), expecting a fax, then
jumping to data mode and forking login.

However since you have /etc/inittab you're probably in Linuxland. BSD
spoken here - YMMV, sorry.


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