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[coldsync-hackers] Question

Documents suggest that one should NOT run the sync as root. 

I would like to know how I should run coldsync from a script which
is (and has to be) run as root. I know the daemon part isn't done yet,
so is there a way to do this?

Would the following root .coldsyncrc file work?
    listen serial {
	device: "/dev/ttyUSB1";
	speed: 115200;         
    pda {
	snum: "\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff-Q";
	username: "Ryan VanderBijl";                               
	directory: /home/rvbijl39/.palm
	userid: 1000;                  

(the snum is what coldsync suggested for my visor).

The biggest problem I could see is that the ownership of new databases
would not be created with the proper ownership.

Please comment.


Ryan VanderBijl                        http://www.calvin.edu/~rvbijl39

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