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Re: [coldsync-hackers] Bytes, Bloat & Badness: a new ColdSync snapshot

On Thu, 30 Nov 2000, Scott Otterson wrote:
> 1.) If I synch to an empty directory e.g.
> 	coldsync -p /dev/pilot -ms tmp.coldsync/
> where tmp.coldsync is empty, coldsych prints messages indicating it's
> synching something but, in fact, leaves the directory empty.

	"-ms" doesn't take any arguments. The "tmp.coldsync/" in your
example is ignored. To specify a different backup directory, you need to
set it in your .coldsyncrc , e.g.:

pda "Gorko's PDA" {
        snum:           189X7M27GA63-N;
        directory:      /home/gorko/tmp.coldsync;
        username:       "Gorko the Invincible";
        userid:         31337;

Actually, the "directory:" directive above specifies not just one
directory, but the top of a tree: ColdSync actually syncs to a bunch of

	TOP/backup/		Contains PDB files that ColdSync syncs with
	TOP/backup/Attic	Files that used to be in TOP/backup/, but
				have been deleted
	TOP/archive		Contains records that have been deleted
				with "Archive on PC" set
	TOP/install		New files to install on the Palm

where TOP defaults to ~/.palm .

	Backup/restore and sync modes are completely independent of each
other, to the point where it would probably make sense for them to be
separate utilities. Backup and restore modes just copy files to or from
the Palm; it's very easy to shoot yourself in the foot this way. Sync mode
tries to be a lot smarter and more careful.

> 2.) If I do a full backup immediately followed by a synch e.g.:
> 	coldsync -p /dev/pilot -mb tmp.coldsync/
> 	coldsync -p /dev/pilot -ms tmp.coldsync/
> the backup works and the synch breezes past most of the files because
> they are already backed up.  However, it stops and seems to redo a full
> backup of certain large files.  After several synchs, coldsync breezes
> by all files, as you would expect from the first synch.  

	As mentioned above, the first run makes a backup to the directory
you specified. The second one ignores the "tmp.coldsync/" argument, and
syncs with ~/.palm/ by default.

Andrew Arensburger                      This message *does* represent the
arensb@ooblick.com			views of ooblick.com
		      Advice void if incorrect.

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