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Re: [coldsync-hackers] p5-palm: private records in datebook?

Andrew Arensburger wrote:

> Weird. One thing you can do is to run 'pdbdump' on your
> DatebookDB.pdb file. The record index entries at the top will list
> entries marked as private (at least, it does for me). This might
> help you narrow things down and see if it's a bug in your code or
> mine.


The answer is that coldsync does not properly sync changes to record
index information.  I changed a record to be private on my Palm, and
did the usual coldsync to get this onto my desktop.  The private bit
didn't transfer.

I just did a pilot-xfer -f DatebookDB, and in *that* database, the
private bit is set properly.

I don't know if this is a bug, or a fixed bug, or just my
configuration; here are the details of my setup so you can judge:

 - I'm running coldsync 1.1.7

 - My .coldsyncrc is this:

   conduit dump {
	   path "/usr/local/bin/send-mail";
	   type mail/DATA;
   listen serial {
	   device "/dev/pilot";
	   speed 115200;

 - I run coldsync as just `coldsync -I'.

Grant Taylor - gtaylor@picante.com - http://www.picante.com/~gtaylor/
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